Ever Respond to Political Emails?

We just sat through an hour and a half of “Driving Miss Daisy – the Uber Lecture” at the Holiday Inn. At least they had water. We walked out before the lecture was over, (it was 12:30, it was supposed to end at 1:00, he was about 1/4 through with his slides.) We walked out right after the guy basically said that Uber can discriminate in its hiring of drivers and disallow someone from driving ANYONE because the driver has allergies to animals severe enough to be life-threatening. So someone’s blindness trumps someone else’s asthma, even if there are plenty of drivers who CAN safely transport the service animals. A driver (who is an independent contractor, mind you) can’t decline a rider just because they are physically unable to transport that person safely without risking their livelihood. Alrighty then!

So, I’m feeling a bit snarky right about now. And I’ve decided to share a lovely email I received (I’ve actually received more than one…) from one of my favorite Republican candidates, Scott Walker. I’m going to cut and paste his email first. Yes, I realize he didn’t write the email himself. He has people he pays to do this for him. But I decided a hand-crafted response was appropriate.

First, I should preface this with the explanation that apparently “Kate” is the same person as “John”, because at one point we were married, and that means that I am just an extension of my ex-husband, no?

Here it is:


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